Lincoln Davis-Cabot-Morse Memorial Forest
Sharon, NH
The Lincoln Davis-Cabot-Morse Memorial Forests are the result of a 40-year history of generous donations by the Davis, Cabot, and Morse families. The Lincoln Davis Memorial Forest became the first Foundation Forest in 1945 when Dr. Lincoln Davis of Needham, MA, deeded this land to NEFF. In 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Cabot of Weston, MA, gave 176 acres adjoining the forest, including the crest of Temple Mountain. The Cabots purchased the land from a gentleman who had acquired it in exchange for a second-hand Chevrolet! The 146-acre Morse Forest in Sharon, NH, was given to the Foundation in 1985 by Mrs. Clarissa Morse in memory of her husband, Lovett Morse. Much of the Monadnock region, including these three forests, were devastated by the hurricane of 1938. Today, the area offers testimony to the resiliency of New England’s forests. A great deal of marketable timber has been cut from the property on a sustainable basis and today the forest has more standing timber, in far better health, than on the day NEFF acquired the property. A variety of forest management activities has improved habitat for many species of wildlife. Moose, bear, and deer are common across the area, as are coyotes and other predators. The forest is a popular spot for hunting in the fall. In 1996 NEFF worked with an abutter in Temple to protect an additional 308 acres along the eastern boundary with a conservation easement. As a part of this effort over 6,000 feet of the Wapack Trail, which crosses NEFF’s land as well as the abutting property, was protected under the New Hampshire Municipal Trails Act. Access to the Wapack Trail and Temple Mountain is off Route 101 in Temple. The trail crosses Route 101 at the Temple Mountain Ski area and trail markers lead south to the summit of Temple Mountain. Continuing south on this well-marked trail allows the hiker to reach Holt and Burton Peaks. Farther on, the Berry Pasture Trail leads to Mountain Road. Alternatively, the hiker can continue south to the intersection with Temple Road, which is paved and maintained.
Read “The Silent Poem of the Forest” by bg Thurston
Niantic River Headwaters Community Forest
East Lyme, CT
The Niantic River Headwaters Community Forest project was undertaken in two phases: NEFF first conserved 166 acres of the forest in 2017, and then protected an adjacent 34-acre parcel in 2019. The forest is home to diverse wildlife, plant communities, wetland resources, and topography—as well as a system of hiking trails. NEFF’s conservation of the Niantic property is consistent with the State of Connecticut Green Plan, the plans of Conservation and Development of Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments, and the town of East Lyme. The project is part of a larger movement to protect the health of the Niantic River estuary, which is central to the town’s history and identity. East Lyme’s town symbol, the bay scallop shell, reflects the town’s proud shell-fishing roots. Today, the impaired health of the Niantic River estuary threatens the local shell-fishing industry. This conservation success will ensure that water flowing from a portion of the headwaters will continue to be filtered by the forest and natural wetland habitat, helping maintain water quality in the estuary.